My Blog Post Thoughts
Not Sufficient Ourselves - God’s Grace
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. (2 Corinthians 3:5-6)
Lord God of all grace, I humbly admit that I have often held a perspective so different from Yours on this subject of sufficiency. I have repeatedly behaved as though the Christian life depended upon what I could do from my own resources. Lord, this has always resulted in spiritual deadness. Please teach me to trust in Your Holy Spirit to bring forth into my experience the full sufficiency of Your immeasurable grace, in Jesus' name, Amen.
What is your BELIEF system?
Oneism is defined as the worship of creation, where all is one when creation is worshipped and served as divine. In Oneism all distinctions are eliminated and through “enlightenment” Oneism proclaims that man is also divine.
These five creation‐worshiping beliefs are:
- All Is One and One Is All
- All Humanity Is One
- All Religions Are One
- There Is One Problem: We’ve forgotten that we are one!
- There Is One Solution: Look inside yourself for salvation.
Resource Link:
BlueLetter Bible:
Twoism is defined as the worship of the divine Creator of all things. In Twoism God alone is divine and is distinct from His creation, yet through His Son, Jesus, God is in loving communion with His creation.
Here are some of God’s incommunicable attributes:
- God has no beginning and no end.
- He is absolutely powerful (omnipotent).
- He knows everything.
- He can be everywhere at once.
- He never changes.He is totally pure and just.
- He is absolutely loving and compassionate.
- He spoke the world into existence.
- He created everything that exists, whether heavenly beings or all that is in or inhabits the universe.
- He is three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Resource Link:
BlueLetter Bible:
Phooey - (Thought of Random)
Today my emotions are phooey. We just advanced through what the world system celebrate as Christmas and nothing in my life have any resembalance of my past. Yes inside I am happy, excited, thankful to God Almighty for rescuing me from a revolving pit of a life of my past.
Now that the past chapter has ended and the past door is slammed shut, I'm facing a total new reality LIFE! (Phooey!)
Not only do I have no idea of how to live this new adventure, I am faced with discovering who I really am being that I spent 50+ years as a multifaceted, mask wearing persona for every situation man wanted me to be. (Phooey!)
I Lost My Fondational Self! Now that I am alone with just myself with the "Precious Trinity" of my very being, to began life from scratch! (Phooey!)
Learning to trust the Almighty Creater God, who LOVE ME and is the potter and I am the clay to mode, shape and remake me for His original intended plan. (Phooey!)
It's like learning and discovering as a new born baby. A newbie learns to listen and obey, lean on and depend on guidance, as they began to take steps, trust the Almighty Creater to lead and guide there every mood as they discover who they are in this vast worldly system. (Phooey!)
First my FOUNDATION WALK, had to be completely broken in 3 places and remended in order to straighten that which was crooked and heading the wrong direction.(Phooey!)
Isaiah 45:2 (MSG) - 2 "I'll go ahead of you, clearing and paving the road. I'll break down bronze city gates, smash padlocks, kick down barred entrances."
Psalm 118:24-25The Message
21-25 Thank you for responding to me;
you’ve truly become my salvation!
The stone the masons discarded as flawed
is now the capstone!
This is God’s work.
We rub our eyes—we can hardly believe it!
This is the very day God acted—
let’s celebrate and be festive!
Salvation now, God. Salvation now!
Oh yes, God—a free and full life!
Now His mercy and Grace carries me as my foundation is being remolded and shaped according to His plans and purposes. With such beauty, and pleasant provisions as I discover the food I like and hobbies or talents given to me as gifts to bring Him Glory alone.
I stair out my window at nature and I realize (Phooey!) Has no place in my new walk and precious relationship with The Father, The Son, & Holy Spirit.
The world system and it's Holidays are only satan's deceptions of old. We as the human race have swallowed the enemies counterfeit compromise by celebrating these ancient of old pagan worship days.
New Year's, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Birthdays and the like. If one would do a study of these ancient old ceremonies they would be surprised of the meanings and root of such celebrations.
For example # 1:
October 31st Halloween & The Day of The Dead
Many to include some of the proclaimed followers of Jesus Christ, compromise and feel there is no harm in innocently dressing our children in costumes portraying different spiritual personalities that appear innocent. If a study was done one would find it's roots include the "Celtic Festival of Samhain". The Irish would put on costumes and light bonfires in an effort to keep ghosts away.
This was a ancient custom started by Nimrod, Ham's grandson. As you already know by studying Ham was one of Noah's son's. Unfortunately, many of us today compromise in the name of fun for our children and grandchildren, or we do not want to be viewed as going against the world system and becoming labeled as crazy, too spiritual or different.
For example # 2:
December 25th Christmas
Here is one of the biggest counterfeits satan has released upon the world system of today, Christmas! Let's face it's a time of the year people prefer to block out the reality of life and it's disappointments, and live in a made up virtual reality. A reality everyone is nice, give gifts, children are indoctrinated with a fictitious character as Santa Claus to bring everything they want and all is happy. Even the adults entertain the false sense of all is well attitude.
Christmas, a scene of the virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus the Savor of all mankind. And every year Our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ becomes a baby in a manger on repeat. One must wonder when does the Lord grow up.
Sadly, during this celebration, mankind over extends their wallets and spend monies they don't have to please others only to receive a rude reality check once all the excitement and celebrations cease. What a deception of a convicted fallen angel, satan.
So, is Christmas roots in paganism or biblical? Customs maybe?
Christmas Defined - "The Mass of Christ of Mass of Jesus" , which means "a Christian service that recalls and show respect for the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ."
Yet if one drives around during this season, you see many representing the birth of Jesus Christ in a manger and the death, burial , and resurrection is left out all together., Interesting to say the least.
After "the Mass of Christ" was shorten by the Roman Catholic Church to reflect Christmas in the 4th century. Christmas was not an original festival of the church, but it was a pagan custom feast from Egypt around the month of January. Egyptians celebrated "Natal Day"!
Pharaoh and Herod held great banquets and celebrate their birth into the world. Then about the 5th century the western churches mandated a feast celebration forever on the day the Roman feast of the birth of Sol. At that time christians did not observe Christmas for the first 1-3 years.
If you continue an even deeper study Jesus Christ was not born on the day celebrated by mankind as Christmas, December 25th. Just a thought to ponder, His birth is entirely unknown and if Jesus had wanted a celebration of His birth He would not have hidden it from us.
Christmas represents the pagan Brumalia (Dec 25) after the pagan celebration of Saturnalia (Dec 17-24) which was close to the winter solstice.
Yes, Many will say this is too much, is it really? If the WORD of God does not include it then who are we to add too. Just a thought!